Header for District 22-A web site - includes LCI Lion and DG logo
District 22-A (Our History)

In 1921, the 16th District of Lions International was organized consisting of the States of New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia.

On October 26, 1921, the first club (Baltimore Host Lions 1921-2013) was organized within the boundaries of what is now Multiple District 22. Additional clubs were soon to follow.

Due to rapid growth, it became necessary to divide District 16 on January 22, 1922 as follows: New York became District 20; New Jersey remained District 16; and, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia became District 22.

In 1940, District 22 was divided into Sub-Districts 22-A and 22-B. Because of rapid growth, Sub-District 22-C was formed in 1944 and in 1947 Sub-Districts 22-D and 22-W were formed.

When World War II ended, men and women in the services and those involved in the war effort turned their attention to their communities. Between 1945 and 1948, twelve new Lions Clubs were chartered in District 22-A.

Some District Projects of the past:

In 1954, International President S. A. Doge honored the District with his presence and a Blind Artist Concert was held for the benefit of Leader Dogs for the Blind. A check for $7,346.88 was forwarded to Leader Dogs and the thank you letter revealed that this was the first donation received outside of the Michigan District.

In 1957, a Souvenir Program was a project to help the Maryland School for the Blind. Past International President Humberto Valenzuela G. was the honored guest and the sum of $4,197.82 was presented to the school for renovations.

In 1962, the District 22-A Sight Foundation, the predecessor of the current Lions Association for Sight and Hearing (LASH), was born to conduct, foster and/or support projects and programs associated with the preservation and restoration of sight and hearing.

In 1970, S.S. Hope became a District Project. A total of $11,000.00 was raised to help renovate and to replace equipment for this hospital ship.

In 1995, The Lions Association for Sight and Hearing (LASH) was created.

In 2007, Eye and Hearing Screening offered during the Maryland State Fair, project spearheaded by Cockeysville-Timonium Lion Rosemary LaMacchia.

In 2009, the first female District Governor was elected, Lion Senora W. Haywood from the Aberdeen Lions Club. The Lion Quest Program started in District 22-A with 7 schools going through the training. With Special Thanks to PDG Dick Bloomquist and PDG Bob Muchow for their perservance in getting this program active.

In 2010, the first cyber/cycling club was chartered in District 22-A, Maryland Cycling for Sight Lions Club.

In 2018, the second female District Governor was elected. Lion Angela "Angie" Bruce from the Glenwood Lions Cub.

In 2022, our third female District Governor was elected. Lion Susan "Sue" Parks from the Severn River Lions Club.

District 22-A takes great pride in the following: As of September 1, 2023 - our records indicate that we have awarded a total of 661 Primary & 55 Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowships; 30 Primary & 1 Progressive Arnall Patz Fellows; 29 Primary Clement F Kusiak Fellows & 11 Progressive Clement F Kusiak Fellows in District 22-A since the inception of the Melvin Jones Fellows, Arnall Patz Fellow and Clement F Kusiak Fellows Programs.

Notable accomplishments of our District Members:

Thomas G. Basil, International Director 1958/1960
George E. Davidson, International Director 1968/1970
Dr. Clement F. Kusiak, International Director 1988/1990
PCC Rowe Haywood, Multiple District Coordinator 2010/2011
Past District Governor Roland F. S. Young: the First Chairman of the MD-22 Lions Vision Research Foundation Board at The Wilmer Institute in 1988.

Past International President (PIP) Dr. Clement F. Kusiak:
2002-2003 Second Vice-President of Lions Clubs International.
2003-2004 First Vice-President of Lions Clubs International
2004-2005 President, Lions Clubs International
2004-present Board of Director, Kusiak Lions Youth Foundation of Multiple District 22
2005-2006 Immediate Past President of Lions Clubs International
2010-2011 Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Steering Committee Chairperson